White Wet NFC Inlay - NTAG213 - 80 x 50 mm Rectangle

  • Quantity Unit Price
  • 51000+
  • 10500 $0.38
  • 1500 $0.42
  • 100 $0.47
  • 10 $0.52
More Information
Country of ManufactureChina
Shipment OriginUnited States
Harmonized Tariff Code8523.52.10 (Smart Cards - Unrecorded)
AvailabilityNormally Stocked
Lead TimeImmediate
Minimum Order Quantity10
Standard Packaging1500 Unit Roll
Unit Count1
ComplianceREACH, RoHS
Tag TechnologyNFC
Frequency13.56 MHz (NFC)
NFC CertificationNFC Forum
NDEF FormattingPre NDEF Formatted
UID7-byte UID
NFC Memory144 bytes
NFC StandardsISO 14443 Type A, NFC Forum - Type 2
Operating Temperature-25° C to 75° C
Antenna Dimensions76 mm (L) x 45 mm (W)
Dimensions80 mm (L) x 50 mm (W) x 0.2 mm (H)
Weight (kg)0.003000
AdhesiveTransfer Tape
MaterialsAdhesive, Aluminum, IC, PET, PP, Silicone Paper Liner
DurabilityLight Use
Layout1 Wide
Media Dimensions88.5 mm (L) x 60 mm (W) x 0.05 mm (H)
Label CutKiss Cut
Label MatrixOff
Label SensingGap
Delivery FormatIndividual, Strip, Fanfold, Roll
Roll Inner Diameter76.2 mm (3") (⌀) Core
Roll Outer Diameter≤ 190 mm (⌀)
Shelf Life1 Year @ 23° C, 50% RH
In-House Print Technology UsedThermal Transfer
Supported Print TechnologyThermal Transfer

Files relating to Store products, GoToTags software and general Connected Things technology can be downloaded from the public GoToTags GitLab project.

  • Artwork Templates – premade artwork templates for custom-printed products
  • Encoding Data – files to provide data for tag encoding services
  • NFC – technical specifications for NFC chip types, reader, NDEF, ...
  • UHF RFID – technical specifications for UHF RFID chip types, readers, ...
  • Products – additional information about Store products

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If you would like the tags on this page to be printed please add the appropriate printing SKU and upload your data and artwork - details below.

GoToTags Printing Service

To order printed tags:

  1. Add this product to your cart in the quantity desired
  2. Select the appropriate type of printing from one of the print service products
  3. Download the correct artwork template, add your art and upload to this page.
  4. Add the same quantity of the encoding service product to your cart as you added for the tag product
  5. Complete the order checkout process
  6. Our team will review the order and print data for any issues
  7. The tags will be printed before being shipped

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